Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to Live to be 100

Clement. G Martin, M.D., was the Former Medical Director of Continental Casualty Company when he wrote a book called "how to live to be 100", copyright 1963. he is nice looking man with big black glasses, a white shirt, skinny tie, and a well-groomed hairdo (a long crew cut with modified sideburns).

on the cover it says "how to add up to forty health-packed years to your life expectancy -- ward off the diseases of old age and have the time of your life doing it" and here are a few of my favorite parts:

no weight lifting
...if weight lifting is to be done satisfactorily and safely, a trainer or coach must be available at all times...and, of course, quite a few gadgets are needed."

stress, smoking, and other goblins
stress is overstressed. not only can we tolerate difficulties in our daily living, we need them. the kind of stress that kills occurred far more frequently when our ancestors lived in caves with only a stick to protect them from the tigers.

what about alcohol?
there are other bits of misinformation and half-information that worry us in our search for a long happy life...certainly high on most lists of worries is the question of alcohol...the dangers of alcoholism cannot be ignored, has been called the milk of the elderly,...and it has even been used, in some cases, as a treatment for alcoholism."

cigarrettes and tobacco
some people say they know the answer (to today's best publicized health problems): cigarrettes cause cancer of the lung, and that is that. others point out that the heaviest smokers of cigarretts are south africans and of european descent, and these people have a subnormally low frequency of lung cancer. cigarrette manufactorers employees, who have been studied for years, and who smoke heavily, also have a lower incidence of lung cancer than might be expected. the answer is plain: no one knows the the best advice is...moderation.
i knew it! i was right along but it's nice to have some good documentation to support my behavior.
excuse me while i put down the weights, celebrate my anxiety, pour myself a drink and have a smoke. i'm almost half-way to 100 so obvioulsy i'm doing everthing right so far.

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