Saturday, August 9, 2008

a stunning achievement

in the opening ceremonies at bejing yesterday, 2008 masters of tai chi swirled around and around in perfectly choreographed circles in the glowing center of the birds nest. each one bathed in white cotton and delicate blue light, each an equadistance from another, arms and legs rising and falling in defined unison. matt lauer called it a stunning achievement, and went on to explain that they find their place for the next moment based on where they are in this one. and to do that, they look to their neighbor, a mirror, a guide. how far is my hand from yours, how high is my head next to yours...when i understand and see the place where you are, i can find my own place.

funny the journeys we endure to find our place in the world. we travel to places on the globe, we hide in places in our hearts, we do it with someone else or we do it alone. those of us who are truly alive will keep asking ourselves, "where is my place? have i found it? if this is not it, i must keep looking until i find it."

perhaps it's not an individual quest afterall. maybe the place i need to end up is not up to me to define, but instead i can rest into it by

looking at you.

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