Friday, February 8, 2008

before and after

it makes sense that your mood would suddenly change when something upsetting interferes with a perfectly fine day. a car accident, bad news, a fall on the ice, disapointment in any form. what puzzles me is how it can change when nothing has happened at all. you felt happy a few minutes ago, and now you just...don't.

you try to put your finger on just what it was that snuck up on you. it's like you walked across the room through a cloud of perfume and suddenly you smelled sweet and luscious when you didn't a minute ago.

it goes away eventually. you settle back into the goodness of your life, and you feel grateful for that.

or else you take a nap.


Mary said...

I think naps can cure just about anything!

ennui said...

I took two naps with a baby yesterday. That was the best.