Saturday, November 8, 2008

creating comfort

sphinx is a tiny old white cat, with boney hips and a runny nose. if he were a little human boy he would be the one with tape around his glasses and ink stains on his shirt pocket. i'm beginning to think he is also part parrot, as when we are watching tv in bed together he always sits on my shoulder.

this morning he was bugging me just a little. my right shoulder was sore for some reason and i didn't want him perched there. i asked politely if he would please move -- several times -- which he did, but he knew he could sneak back if he was patient and quiet, and maybe this time i wouldn't notice.

i noticed. finally he agreed and opted for the pillow next to me, the one that was propped up at a steep slant against several others. seeming in defiance of gravity, he snuggled up almost vertically on the slope of that pillow, never slipping or sliding, only sleeping.

the other two cats who live here are also insistent on comfortable places to snooze, but aren't picky about the venue. i can certainly understand curling up in a basket of fresh warm laundry, or on the towel shelf in the linen closet, but on top a 6 pack of gingerale? or a cordless drill? or a cold iron? these are the things that are sometimes left on the corner chair on the backporch, a favorite nesting place for all. it has a soft cushion under there someplace and a perfect view of the birdfeeders out back. a favorite spot. they don't seem to mind or care if some thing was tossed and left there - that is where they want to be and so they will be there.

we all can choose where we want to be, and sometimes there are things in our way that we need to either ignore or work around. maybe the barriers will vanish on their own and maybe not.

but if we truly want that spot,

we will snuggle down regardless, knowing it is where we need to be.

i think they call that faith.

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