last weekend a woman was taking a long walk in the woods near cape cod when she came across a piano. in perfect condition and tune, the piano sat in a clearing near a footbridge, a matching bench placed carefully next to it as if someone had just played it, or was about to.
the mysterious placement of this piano has confounded police -- they can't figure out how it got there, and the fact that it took 6 strong men and a truck to remove it adds to the mystery. no footprints, no tire tracks, no broken keys or smudged wood. but there it sat. waiting to be discovered,
or not.
when was the last time a pleasant and unexpected surprise appeared in your path? walking towards nothing you find something. something that doesn't fit with where you are or what you are thinking about, but there it is, waiting for you just the same.
and when you find it you take a deep breath, smile and wonder...
when a piano sits alone in the woods, does it make a sound?
when a wish sits alone in the deepest part of your heart,
will you hear it
when it plays?
and who will play it?
you. after all, it was yours to find.
don't walk away.
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