Sunday, November 23, 2008

you've got mail. but not all of it

not that i am obsessed with mail carriers, but a delightful story caught my eye this morning about a mailman who refused to deliver junk mail for the past 7 years. it was excessive and heavy, and he had diabetes and a heart condition. so he lightened his load and protected the nice folks on his route from circulars advertising oil changes, chinese food, pizza, and neighborhood grocers. he stacked it all in his garage and on occasion buried his stash in his backyard.

a federal offense. lucy ricardo noted the same thing this morning when nosy ethel read the ricardo's mail. that's just wrong! until a letter from the war department came addressed to ricky and lucy just had to read it but that is another story entirely.

when mr. mailman got busted, not one customer complained. in fact, they cheered. they wrote glowing letters on his behalf, offered to pay fines, celebrated his decision not to deliver stuff they would throw away anyway. they said he should get a medal, not a jail sentence. he could have gotten 5 years in jail and a $250,000.00 fine, but the judge gave him probation and a much smaller fine and off he went.

the law is a funny thing. it is meant to protect our rights and ensure justice, but sometimes it has a narrow mind of it's own that angers me in its inflexibility and stubbornness. a mailman does something that is illegal but appreicated none-the-less. the woman who has been stealing stuff from my neighbors was released on a technicality. and most offensive of all -- two people of the same gender who love each other with all the desperation and joy of heterosexual love can't get married because, well,

it is against the law.

how stupid is that. americans glue themselves to the television to see which inarticulate bachelorette will be given a rose, but true love in some cases is not to be recognized with the same rights and benefits of contestants on a reality show.

anyway, good for you mr. mailman.

sorry the neighborhood grocer is mad at you.

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