Tuesday, December 16, 2008

big fat loser

my favorite reality show started a few months ago and ends tonight. this season, rather than individual inconspicuous contestants -- we met tubby fat families. husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. all of them big and i mean really big!

i have so enjoyed this journey. i have taken it with them, every
tuesday-night- step- of -the -way. they sweat and cry, whine and climb and sink and crawl. i love their courage. i love their tenacity. i love those fat people.

on tuesday nights these last many weeks i have sunk into the middle of my big bed, tv on and candles lit. a little meatloaf here, a baked potato there -- it has been tremendously satisfying to see them struggle and shrink as i lick the ice cream off my spoon and smile and sigh.

they have claimed their lives! their time is now! they have found the courage to face all those chub chub dragons and drooled at the idea of winning a cash kitty equaling thousands and thousands of dollars. sometimes the scale humiliates them and sometimes it shuts up and bows in respect.

god they inspire me.

pass the whipped cream will you?

i am watching the season finale and i don't recognize most of them. they are showing before pictures through which the "afters" crash onto the stage in their new bodies. the men swagger down the steps in flashy trousers and smart loafers. the women come next, and it is wrenching in a good way to see these former fatties bask in the spotlight atop a funky staircase. the music swells and they raise their toned arms high up way high up, then place their french manicured hands on slim sexy hips and descend the staircase.

awkwardly. as if they had rubber bands around their knees, and as if they had never navigated a downward sloping runway in 3 inch heels....as if!

the point is, they do look terrific and they inspire me. i have every intention of striving to work the business end of a shiny pair of stilletos sometime after the first of the year.

meanwhile the ham and hashbrown hotdish tastes great with a california chardonnay.

tostito's on the side.

save room for dessert.

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