Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Favor Walking

I thought I heard Temple Grandin. Her voice was loud and strong, and each letter rolled out in perfect formation into a string of fast words. Her sentences were tightly connected with soulful inflection, syllable by syllable, word by word.

I was browsing at candles when I heard her from across the store, and quickly made my way to the jewelry counter so that I could be near her, and see her, and admire her.

Probably in her 50's, she wore a long, black wool coat, the back of which had been a resting place for a cat or dog. Her hair was long and clean, dark brown, dark red, shiny but matted in some places. Her lipstick was bright red and had been hastily applied, and her black suede Ugg boots were salted from winter.

The woman behind the counter was patient with her, smiled at her, as she spoke of her latest projects.

I am working on a new novel, it's historical, a historical novel, I love history and historical novels, it's historical. Did you ever read the book called The Girl with the Pearl Earring? They made it a movie it was a movie starring Colin Ferth. Do you know him he is a great actor, great actor. You know that movie the King's Speech was about the Queen's father, the real Queen, the one we have now, he was her father King George. She's pretty amazing. I have a client who is almost as old as she is and she still drives. I think it's ok to talk about my clients as long as I don't tell you their names, you know, confidentiality is important. But she drives and she is 81. Can you believe that? She is 81 and she drives still. I hope I can drive when I'm 81 still, because I CAN drive, I just favor walking. But that's an accomplishment, driving at 81.

I leaned on the counter adjacent to her, and looked at delicate silver jewelry and pretty things that sparkled, and enjoying myself listening to the woman with the wonderful mind.

The clerk politely excused herself, she had to get to work, and I liked that clerk. She was kind and giving of her time. She turned away from the cash register, looked at me, smiled, and rolled her eyes.

I didn't like her any more.

I got hurt the other day and it was on purpose. When that clerk rolled her eyes it reminded me how hard it is to trust the kindness of others, and what it feels like when a kind face turns on you to roll their eyes.

Luckily, the woman with the wonderful mind didn't see that part. She just asked, as the clerk was walking away

Would you mind if I browse for a while?

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