Tuesday, May 27, 2008


linda called me today, that is her name, linda -- and she had some work related questions and we had a nice chat. and after business was done linda said "oh and i just have to thank you - you changed my life! thanks for the booklight!"

weeks ago linda lamented about how hard it was to get to sleep. her dear husband needed light to read himself to sleep, and she needed darkness to think herself to sleep. those needs collided ever so politely night after night until i suggested she buy him a booklight. a tiny light he can use to illuminate his sleepy pages, and bonus prize: he will feel like he is 6 with his flashlight under the covers, while she toddles off to quiet slumber.

she went right out and bought him one.

so now, he reads, she sleeps, and all is quite well.

there are people out there who are changing the world one signature at a time. and those who are committing their whole souls and bank accounts to some cause that needs attention. i spend time thinking about how i wish and need to be one of them, to make a difference, have an impact.

turns out that a nice couple in woodbury is sleeping soundly tonight because of me.

good start.

1 comment:

nhopkins said...

I was reading your comment of a book light, you should check this one out:

LightWedge Original Book Light

The perfect book light
A revolutionary new book light for nighttime reading. Patented LightWedge technology directs all the light only on the page you are reading, without bothering someone sleeping next to you. The larger-sized LightWedge Original is ideal for hardcover books and large paperbacks. Whether reading in bed, reading on a plane, or reading in a car, the LightWedge book light is the perfect accessory for all readers and an ideal gift for travelers.
You can purchase it directly at
It has saved my marriage