Saturday, May 31, 2008

what's your zip code

i stopped for gas on my way home from work the other day, a long and rather irritating day. i slid my card into the card sliding spot in the million dollar gas pump but nothing happened. again and again and again. nothing happened. inside SA, i grew even more annoyed when the tall man behind the counter smiled and shook his head at me, hand on hip, when i asked him what was up with pump one.

nothin wrong wid it.

except it isn't working.

sho it is. bet you didn't push in yo zip code.

it didn't ask me for my zip code.

sho it did.

he shook his head again and started towards me and all of a sudden i was enjoying him and his wide blasting white smile.

you got ta put in yo zip code lady, fo you pump gas.

he leaned close to me as we walked out which oddly did not seem in the least invasive and in fact i liked it and he smelled like old spice.

how long has this zip code thing been going on?

bout 8 months. see, there's another part of yo problem miss, you ain't been stoppin in enough.

i was laughing now and i put my card in the slidey place and sho enough, a tiny screen i hadn't seen asked me for my zip code. i started tapping it in and he said

slow down you messin it up. look you messed it up. slide yo card agin. ok what yo zip code - you let me do it. ok now you got to do it slow. 5 5 4 1 7. ok now you all set. you take care now and come back again soon.

hey! i'm all set. i just need to remember to do it slow.

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