Friday, September 5, 2008

hair club for men

the man at the table across from me at lunch had barbie hair. tiny bundles of blond had been poked into neat pin holes in perfect rows and he had the whole thing shellacked to a rock hard finish. his sneaky eyes were small and close together and he had a forehead the size of a drive-in movie screen. the woman he was with was tall and sleek and lovely, with a messy copper do, a pencil skirt and 3 inch mary jane heels. poor thing was bored to death.

clearly these were co-workers, commrades, cubemates, business associates. they were out on a sunny friday to catch a bite and catch up generally.

she couldn't get a word in edgewise.

i wondered how his poor wife could stand his ramblings, or maybe she doesn't let him talk at home so he is taking it out on everyone else?

every buzz word and phrase from business and industry today were stuffed into longwinded sentences spoken between crispy bites of chicken:

"metrics...six sigma...what's in your bucket...expense managment...generic dollars based on source code...ya gotta watch the trend needle...enterprise solutions...."

the woman was patient with him, yet overjoyed when her salad arrived. she listened attentively and chewed voraciously and blinked very hard when, in describing a young colleague he said,

"she reminds me of a young me."

oh dear. i wondered why.

perhaps "she" needs hair plugs, too.

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