Wednesday, September 10, 2008

nice touch

11 hours after surgery i was sweating wet on the sheets, my head ached and my chest burned from the burning that was done inside my chest. my groins and neck were swollen and throbbing from catheters, and i coudn't breathe. but worst of all, my heart was racing and beating out of control. why was this happening? didn't i spend 5 hours in the operating room earlier today to fix this? is my heart bleeding? did they burn the wrong thing? the monitor said 103 beats per minute. that's too fast. and those lines i see are not sinus rhythm. something is wrong.

a woman dressed up in a nurse costume came to my room soon after the bell rang and peered around the curtain, then tugged at it and twisted it in her hands. "you look like you are having a rough time". after a resume of my complaints, she offered "wow there really isn't much i can do. do you want another vicadin?" i asked about the rhythm - why was it doing that? "i hear that happens sometimes but i'm not sure."

and this is the finest cardiac care unit in the country?

a few minutes later i heard a gentle knock and suddenly next to my face were the deepest espresso eyes on the loveliest young woman. she had her hands on her knees and leaned in close and said "you poor thing. what's going on honey?"

she sat down and patted my leg as i cried hard and told her everything.

"first of all honey, you ARE in sinus rhythm. it's a little fast but it's steady, just an extra beat once in a while. it's really normal to have this happen after an ablation, in fact it's a good sign. it means that the healing process has already begun."

heart rate 92.

she presented various meds like flowers from a magicians sleeve, and once that was done

"you're all slumped down there. let's scooch you up. how about some cold water? vaseline for your lips? here, let me wet a washcloth and wipe your face. by the way i love your overnight bag. did you get that at an estate sale? (yes). ok sweetie, close your eyes and i'll check back in a few minutes to see if you are snoozing".

heart rate


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